Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sapo Soap Business

Here we are, approaching 2013 and it's time to move forward with a project I've been working on for years now. I will gather all the necessary equipment, make soap at home, and sell it on Ebay or ArtFire. Natural homemade soap is one of the joys of my life.  The simple things are truly the most rewarding to me at this stage of my life.  Anything I can handcraft at home and create income from is a rewarding idea to me.

With lists of soap supply suppliers at hand, much of the equipment and instruction materials already purchased, labeling worked on, a name for the enterprise chosen, it's time to begin!

All I need are the raw materials to produce the product.  I held off buying these things until I was sure I was ready (so they won't spoil or take up space in my little pantry with no hope of becoming soap).

I have a favorite soap that I buy, it's nutmeg and cinnamon scented.  That's the recipe I'm going to try and replicate for my first soap to sell.  Wish me luck!